Dana McCool Visionary Art
Visual Art – Toronto
Dana McCool is an interdisciplinary artist, designer, writer and anarchist. Using symbolism, colour harmonies and universal archetypes, this artwork opens gateways into the inner, higher dimensions of Self, Other, Spirit and The Unknown. With a background in sociology, religious studies and philosophy, she is interested in contemplations that lead to revelations about the eternal moment and the human condition. Current subject matter of interest includes ongoing experiential research in energy medicine modalities, meditation, parapsychology, trance mediumship, as well as several esoteric religious traditions. These include, with emphasis, the legacy Work of G. I Gurdieff.
As a surrealist, one contemplates the liminal threshold(s) of multidimensional reality. Paradigms of being presence illuminate an infinite kaleidoscope of biological, social-political , trans-personal and transcendental circumstances of consciousness.