Starlin Aventus Zingara

Visual Art – Seattle

I never liked art in school. I couldn't get into what all the other kids were doing. But when I was 16, I decided to give it another try. This time, on my own terms. Buried deep in piles upon piles of books I taught myself as much as I could about the great masters, art history, invisible line theory, time management, principles of design, color theory, color physics, mediums and methods of applications, illustration (graphic novels, posters, children's books), art ethics, paint pigments, society's reaction to artists as people, the development of color sense, fantasy, gestural drawing, nature/botanical drawing, throwback to the 60's drawings, anything I think Ken Kesey or Chuck Close or Ernesto Caivano or Kurt Vonnegut might like. Armed with a pencil/charcoal/white charcoal/colored pencil/watercolor/acrylic/pen and ink/adobe photoshop and illustrator... I dove in. This is what I do all day. Why you might ask? Welcome to the inside of my brain. This art was brought to you in part by: My fiancée Taylor! Who's support and love helps the creativity flourish. ~Peaches and happycakes~