Not applicable – Dallas - Fort Worth
Howdy❣️I'm DoraSpectacular, and YOU're Scrumptious, too❗️
DoraSpectacular is a lost and profound soul who dreams, eats, sleeps, lives and breathes fashion, and loves to wear it, too.
Caring is 'sharing', except when it comes to her shoes and boyfriends, but in
all seriousness- sharing humor is her happiness.
At a young age, Dora realized that she wasn't cut out to be a scientist like
her parents who sent people to other planets. She was already living on
another 'planet'.
Growing up, Dora's strict Asian Dad showed favoritism towards her two
brothers which left her feeling negatively about herself.
With the help of brilliant ministry and counseling, Dora understands the
challenges others face. She discovered it takes conscious effort to heal from
and stop sneaky negativity!
She learned to see beyond her Dad's flaws and love him unconditionally.
Dora began her serious focus on a journey of self discovery living abroad in
Paris, France. Her passion for "zany" people and fashion came together
many years later while interviewing celebrities and fashion icons at the Paris
Haute Couture. Dora loved that people informed her how much they enjoyed
the interactions; some had even giggled away their feelings of depression.
Thanks to the freedom that Dora found, quirkiness is now her natural state of
being; she's a rather fashionable nerd!
Dora is thrilled to be creating a fun and dramatic wondrous world for a tv
show project incorporating drama, comedy, fantasy and therapeutic aspects
DoraSpectacular is a lost and profound soul, fashion maven, and Comedic
Motivational Personality all rolled into one.
And, YOU’RE a scrumptious package, too❣️