For The People By The People ~ Kalyssa & K WooDZ

Music – Toronto

We are independent artists working collectively using our voices to raise awareness to the social issues within our society. OUR MISSION is to work with non-profit and community agencies within our communities and use our art as a way of speaking up for those that remain silent in their struggle. K WooDZ & Kalyssa come from a variety of lived experiences and each brings something unique to the forefront. Music is just one form of art we use to raise awareness through our learned skills and lived experiences. We have been broken, we have been kicked down, we have felt hopeless, yet here we are standing stronger than ever. As human beings we need to bring back hope, we need to show people that they are not alone in their struggles. They need to hear, feel and connect, and what better way than to connect with the power of music. Music is a language on its own and so universal that it can literally reach our souls in a way that is sometimes unexplainable. We are living in a world that is disconnected from human connection, REAL HUMAN CONNECTION. We need Realness, we need Honesty, we need Truth. People need to know they are not alone in their truth and they no longer have to remain silent. Being alone in our own minds while feeling so alone can be detrimental to our mind, bodies and souls. Together we have collaborated on projects that we feel need to be heard so that people can begin to stop ignoring our crumbling world and we can work to become united as living beings. Our art can be viewed and listened to here: TRIGGER WARNING Drowning ~ K WooDZ ft. Kalyssa I Can't Breathe ~ K WooDZ ft. Kalyssa Time Waits For No One ~ Kalyssa