Photography – Edmonton
My name is Alyssa , it’s pronounced Ah-lee-sa.I. I’m a young , Petite, fierce , people loving babe who is obsessed with uplifting others.
I’ve been extremely artistic since a young age , trying my hand at anything that really peaked my interest. Funny things is modeling is what boosted my career in photography, and my love for makeup is what boosted my journey through modelling. For four years I chose to stay in front of the camera , feeling confident and motivated in every session I did. I applied for magazines and didn’t make the cut. I ran a makeup business on the side, and no matter what I Still kept going, and always loved being in front of the camera.
Coffee is 100% my second love language and when I say coffee I mean coffee all day, I’m not a drinker and never have been so you won’t see me lounging in a bar on my days off. But grabbing coffee at a local coffee shop will always be my go to when I need a break from everyday life. I am known to have a huge heart and a big personality ,but a social butterfly in most situations.
Being able to show women just how beautiful and special they are is truly what I was meant to do. It may have taken me since 2022 to get started but I did it!
My advice to you is never let the fear of failure stop you from pursuing your dreams. You never know who you’re going to inspire along the way.