Photography – Toronto

I'm Rajdeep Bose, a freelance photographer from Toronto. From a young age, I've been captivated by the notion of seizing moments in time and revisiting them through photographs. My early interests began as an 8-year-old, playfully exploring my dad's cherished Yashica film camera. However, my true passion for photography got ignited when I captured the moon's craters for the first time. I couldn't believe my eyes and that moment changed my life forever. Ever since, I fell in love with the sound of the shutter. I possess an innate affinity for astrophotography, delighting in capturing the vast expanse of space. Additionally, my love for nature, wildlife, and particularly birds, led me into bird photography. Through this journey, I discovered it goes way beyond just image-taking; it entails an unspoken connection with my subjects, a bond that stays beyond the captured moment. Each encounter unfolds a unique narrative, enhancing my experience as a photographer. As I keep learning the art of capturing all that’s around me, why don't you come see the world through my eyes.