Aaron Paul Couture

Fashion – San Jose

Aaron Paul Juni taught himself to sew at a young age after being dissatisfied with mass produced halloween costumes. Beginning in 2009 he produced several succesful couture shows including a collaborative, charity event with Innvision and FAREPA. After its positive international press, Aaron persued his life long dream and costume directed a production of The Phantom of the Opera. His attention to detail, and dedication to producing a faithful recreation of broadway originals, gained him a nomination for best costume by Broadway San Jose. \"Theres nothing better than to tell a story visually,\" Aaron explains. Aaron continually persues an aesthetic that informs his audience of an entire culture, wether it be a fantasized dream of centuries before or the exciting look forward into a world only remotely our own. There is no doubt, however, that science fiction fuels his desire to create. \"We forget how similar science fiction and fashion really are. Both study trends and extrapolate into the future. I see a private corperation funding commercial space flight today; then I think about what to wear on a 3 week cruise to Mars and tell the story about it.\" -Aaron Paul Juni