Andre Spight Jr

Fashion – St. Louis

Born in St. Louis Missouri, Spight grew up with the desire to be a cartoonist. As a kid he'd pass the time by drawing characters from different animations in mini comics with different storylines. Similar to how "doujinshi" is in Japan. Born with Sickle Cell Anemia, his days were consistently filled with pain. So he'd often ease it by escaping to the only place he could find a sense of relief; His imagination. Many years and sketchbooks later, he decided to take a chance on creating an illustrated brand with the "Chibi-Style" characters of his own creation. The pain he regularly endures allows him to keep is designs fresh in an industry that is frequently changing. In 2018, he decided to expand his brands product line by merging his character designs with the sewing knowledge he obtained over the years. This allowed him to expand his creations further into the market of handmade goods. Now, his unique one-of-a-kind products featuring his original characters Making him notorious as one of the best lifestyle/streetwear brands in the Midwest. "Love what makes you unique, appreciate what makes others different." —The imagination is limitless.