Andrew Huynh

Photography – Philadelphia

Since starting photography, I have learned the importance of developing my own personal style that can best be described as “intimate.” It is very common for portrait photographers to want to “capture the emotion” in their subjects, but what does that really mean? Aside from the technical qualities of an image, the impact of a photo is really what stands out. The profound effect of beauty and sentiment produced by an image is what sets it apart in my mind and I try my best to replicate this feeling in all of my own work. Through my experience photographing various people over the years, I have discovered the value in communication between the subject and myself. Photographers want to tell a story in their images, but they are not the only ones. The feedback I receive from my subjects has proven to be an invaluable tool in my development as a photographer. To lead into my next point about photography, I have worked with many different people with varying levels of experience from agency-represented models to beginners who have never been in front of the camera. One thing that they all have in common is that they only not only want to be shot in a flattering way, but they also want to convey a certain image of themselves. One of my goals as a photographer aside from creating a stunning image is to open people’s eyes to their hidden potential. I want people to shed their insecurities and see themselves in a different light, which leaves something to be said about confidence. It is incredible to see the change in comfort levels after a subject sees their photos for the first time. This holds especially true for beginners. If I can create a photo that will inspire my viewer, then I have succeeded as a photographer, but if I can create a photo that will inspire my subject, then I have also succeeded as a person.