Book Chick

Accessories – Baltimore

I don’t like seeing things be thrown away. Especially books. While working for a wonderful nonprofit in Baltimore, it broke my heart when I found out that sometimes books that were donated ended up having to be recycled. They were written in, falling apart, or for some other reason not desirable. I knew I could figure out something to do with them, so I started taking home individual books, then stacks, then boxes. And then I started figuring out things to do with them. Everything I make is recycled. The majority of it is books, but sometimes I find other exciting things to use, like board games. It is my way of letting books continue to bring joy to us even when they can’t serve their original purpose. Even when they can’t be read, they can still bring a smile to the face of a teacher, student, or avid reader. Books are for everybody. Why stop when the pages fall out?