Corey Godfrey

Visual Art – Dallas - Fort Worth

I am a Dallas based artist specializing in erotic yarn art. I received my BFA at the university of North Texas in 2008. I am a lover of all things craft and have been creating since I was old enough to teach my siblings how to color on the walls Often, my works derive from male-based publications and images are captured from the male gaze by utilizing soft materials generally attributed to women. My interests within the power of female-based crafts in turn created a bridge into the focus of my work. In using these materials, I am simultaneously reflecting the strength of crafts for the history of women and engaging in an erotic physical process of creation. I allow the materials to guide me into new territory and tell me when to cease, giving importance to the negative space beneath the textiles. In my current series, I am blurring the lines between erotic male-based publications and erotic mainstream media by appropriating images from popular fashion publications. The images are designated because they represent similar provocative elements and potency that are dominant in exclusive male-based periodicals, thus revealing that the erotic is becoming more prevalent in mainstream culture