Cas Vars Photography

Photography – Calgary

As a portrait photographer, I am never without a muse. People inspire me; my loved ones, whom I know intimately, and the strangers in my city, whose lives I catch glimpses of as our paths cross, but don't touch. My primary focus is on capturing people in real, genuine moments. I guide and work with my clients to create candid shots in such a way that they are assured of how their pose will look, but so that the photograph doesn't look stiff or staged. I'm not afraid to get down and dirty, to try new things and inevitably fail, such is part of life. My desire is to create beautiful art which showcases the simple beauty of people in their most authentic state. Whichever way you want the photoshoot to look, that's how it will look. I will work with you to ensure you feel most yourself. I will nudge you to the edges of your comfort zone, but never push you out of it. I invite you to join me, let’s create!