Eliana Martinez

Visual Art – Miami

ELIANA MARTINEZ is a Colombian Abstract Artist based in Miami. Her artworks had been exhibited in LOUVRE Museum and Galleries in PARIS-FRANCE, LIEGE-KINGDOM of BELGIUM, Galleries and Art Fairs in SEOUL COREA, WASHINGTON DC, ART BASEL 2014 and Galleries in MIAMI, Florida. Graduated as an Architect from Universidad JORGE Tadeo Lozano, Cartagena-Colombia 1998. My Thesis was \"Poligono San Felipe San Bernabé, island of Tierra Pump a proposal to rescue the forgotten heritage of Colombia\" in the Land of Isa Pump, Cartagena, Colombia. I worked as an architect on several projects, for a construction company in my hometown of Cartagena, Colombia from 1996 to 2001.