Grant Anthony Cohen

Visual Art – Melbourne

Grant\'s talented skill of colour choice, eye for detail, pattern and composition makes his works totally unique in imagery. Grant’s works are able to be viewed from afar and up close evincing two different emotions and reactions. From a distance, the works seem to blend in together to create a harmonious interior scene. However up close things change quite dramatically. A sense of intense repeating pattern work and his eye for detail overwhelms the viewer. Grant has been influenced by a key number of designers in various fields. William Morris for his exquisite timeless wall paper patterns, Minton and Co. 1850-60 for the geometric patterned tiles, Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe for his now iconic furniture to little known Jean Perzel for principally his geometric lamp shades produced in Paris during the 1920s. Grant Anthony’s paintings, instantly recognisable and unique, delight all who see them and remind us that even the most mundane image can evoke such interest.