i wish i had a penguin friend

Visual Art – Los Angeles

Artist Morgan Kessler (i wish i had a penguin friend) was born in San Diego in the early eighties. Early on, she showed signs of greatness: singing the aria "Ma Ma Da Da fa so la ti do", writing full length plays at 3 (notably, Who Pooped? a murder mystery in 4 acts), and inventing hair tonics for bald toddlers at the age of 5. After attending Boston University, she decided to travel the world. She traveled to Antarctica with Jimmy Carter and Sean "Puffy" Combs to build igloos for underprivileged families. On the icy road, she ran into a small penguin. His head cocked to the side slightly and Morgan's eyes twinkled. Instantly, they knew they had found their soul-mates. Morgan and Penguin Friend stayed in Antarctica for a few more years, building igloos and discussing literature. One sunny summer day, Penguin Friend got real quiet. "What's wrong?" Morgan asked. "There's something I've never told you." Morgan became concerned. She didn't know they had secrets! "I'm a psychic and I've just had a vision. I know now what you must do with your life." Morgan's mind was racing with possibilities! "You need to move to Los Angeles and live in a very small apartment. During the day you will work as a video editor and at night you will illustrate and write comics." "What will I draw? Beautiful lands? Surreal oil paintings?" she asked, eyes wide. "You will be heavily influenced by internet culture and will spend most of your time drawing weirdos and writing auto-biographical comics." "Oh. Well, will it be a lucrative endeavor?" "Hard to say. Perhaps, but not at first." "Will I at least keep my ravishing figure and beauty?" "Unfortunately all the sitting will do quite a number on you." "Oh." Morgan got quiet. After about a minute she asked, "Will I have fun?" "More than you can ever imagine." Morgan chronicles her life in comic form here: www.iwishihadapenguinfriend.com and sells some stuff here: momoma.etsy.com