Jason William Cole

Visual Art – Memphis

I am interested in the conceptual possibilities of portraiture and self-portraiture. Since one\'s body, and the objects one chooses to envelop or surround it are external representations of a symbol of \"self\" that exists in one\'s mind, and since that information can then be interpreted by others based on their own understanding of \"self\", every portrait one creates is, essentially, a self-portrait. Each of us exists with a complex self-symbol, the \"I\" which is forever in flux, always impermanent, continually under construction. When the \"I\" takes to examining itself, it usually finds a slippery notion, a never ceasing loop of symbols, interpretations, language, and representations. In short, the self finds, in it\'s identity, the representation of a representation of a \"source\" which may actually be impossible to fully represent. With that in mind, it may seem impossible to create anything but a superficial portrait and futile to attempt it. I believe this is why portraiture is so often missing from a great deal of contemporary art. However, it is the search for ways to portray this circular and reflexive nature of \"self\" or \"identity\" that absolutely fascinates me. The resulting work is always a self-portrait, whether or not it fits the traditional definition. It is this search, the experimentation, and ever-evolving approach that is my goal: the action of \"becoming\".