Film – Austin
My love for photography and film grew from a passion I shared with my grandmother for the documentation of life. MAWU represents the balances and changes in our lives
My Story
“Fake it until you become it” is how everyone starts. Right? “Don’t Dream it. Be It!” For me, the value is in the lessons and growth over the years.
I have been in the film industry for over a decade and in the location department for about several years. Over time, I have learned: a good work flow; lots of hacks for working on the go; and a community of artists/ vendor contacts. Between the production paperwork, project management, and deadlines for completion, there has been plenty of learning room. My Texas film family has shown love in helping me grow, always something I remind myself about.
What I Want to Accomplish/ Past Works
I have learned that communication and community is a key to unlocking my muse as an artist. I suppose this goes back to gaining my confidence as a content creator. As every artist learns their voice, I am no different on my journey. I enjoy group projects with people who communicate truth through love, because of their passion for the arts and their community environments. Every year I try to pull off a group project for the City Of Austin’s Cultural Arts grant. I enjoy facilitating the collaboration and brainstorming sessions used to create relevant cultural projects. I feel that my collaborative direction for the crews and artists translates to the camera as a collaborative vision of creativity. I keep in mind that a group is only as strong as a leader who listens to the council of others.
With collaborations and community as my mantra, my future accomplishments as an artist, director, and producer keep the creative fires burning.