meat-jeffery paul gadbois

Visual Art – Minneapolis

ARTIST STATEMENT: meat-jeffery paul gadbois I feel a closeness with everything and nothing whilst drawing. A conversation is had that I'm not often aware of. Sometimes I never find out, sometimes it's years later, but I'm not conscience of why or what I'm drawing or painting sometimes. The interesting part of a trampoline is not standing on it, it's the air achieved in between you and it. If it wasn't fun, enjoyable or self exploratory, I'd stop doing it. I don't make work for myself, conversely to that, I don't make work for anyone else. I like images and figures that are iconic, gritty and well lived, not lived well. I don't care much for things or people that haven't earned their wrinkles, scars or smiles. These my seem like obscure principles, but I cling to them like a drowning man.