Visual Art – Gold Coast
My Name is Mitchell and I am a young creative living on the Gold Coast, Australia with a passionate love for travel, art, music and culture. I live like a gypsy, constantly hopping from place to place, which reflects my different styles of art. I am best at Traditional Style drawings, Chalk Art and Calligraphy. I have adapted artistic skills simply by picking up a pencil. I have had no training on how pieces should be done, I just pick up a pen/pencil/chalk and start drawing. It is all RAW.
The name 'My Sailor's Hand' was established after a lot of thought of who I am and what I love. Although I am not a Sailor I have a particular love and interest for all things nautical, so I envisioned the named to be of something alike. After throwing a few names around, I thought of My Sailor's Hand (which is a play on my initials MSH) and it stuck.