New Life Tie Dye

Fashion – Ottawa

Our idea is to use materials that come with ease to give a new life to old, stained, unused, out-dated, or out-of-style materials. The key to this is to reduce our footprint on this planet we call home; new products require intense amounts of energy, material and questionable labour. Any material made with plant-based fibers reacts with the dye beautifully, so we're continuously working with different materials. The most exciting is the tapestries or blankets because the canvas is so huge. We love tie-dye as our medium because the results are only predictable to a certain extent. We can set the fold, the colours and where they are placed, but the end result always leave us in awe. Additionally, we're able to use water, ice or snow which creates intricate designs as the dye sets, allowing for a whole 'nother level of effects. The excitement a child has when waking on Christmas morning is comparable to our excitement when we're able to open our creations! We also create wire-wrapped, semi-precious stone and crystal necklaces. Stones were hand-picked in Bancroft, Ontario.