Damian Jaxson

Music – Montréal

Damian Jaxson was born to Jamaican parents... The late great sound engeeneir and music producer Bevin Jackson as well as the forever beautiful Madge Jackson provided an extremely loving enviroment witch encourge personal and spirtual growth from even the youngest of age\'s.. Damian spent his earliest years surrounded by vocalists and musicians day in day out.. But like most of our lives nothing is perfect and this life story took many twists and turns before straighting out.. After the demise of Mr. Jackson in 1995 while setting up kings of kings for an artist then known as Iley dread.. This was the first time Damian found himself in life without music... Emotionally distraught, following the crowd became an easy option but it was from thoses experience an observations that inspired Damian to compose and sing about the heartships we all face in everday life..when asked why do you do music Damian simply responded \"I wanna touch people have them care about themselves and hopefully each other one day..:) .\"