Out Law Artist Keith Adams

Visual Art – Raleigh

By now you’re probably asking yourself why is this guy calling himself an outlaw artist? It wasn’t by design or choice but sometimes in life the best things that happen to us are purely by circumstance? You see, I was charged and arrested for “stealing” my own art. I know as crazy as it sounds it happened. I found myself in a battle with the legal system over rights of work that I created and in the long run justice prevailed. As I thought about what I had been through it dawned on me as I was reading media accounts of my story that I really am an outlaw artist. Ever since my first art lesson at age 10, I never did want to listen to the art instructor. I wanted to color-paint outside the lines. “Oh no that’s not allowed” he would say. Then it dawned on me. I have been an outlaw artist my whole life. Prior to being arrested, I never did like to follow all the so called “art” rules. I broke most every one of them and still look for new ways to do so daily. I have mad respect for someone who can sit for hours and do photorealism, but I would be in a mental ward for such an attempt. So being an outlaw artist is really nothing new. It allows me the freedom to paint the way I always wanted to