Visual Art – Seattle

Change is the only constant in life. It can be intimidating but I embrace it and adapt. I have a strong appetite for new ideas and I fantasize about bringing them into the collective consciousness. Through my endeavors I remain captivated by human connection. 
Art is the medium I have found to channel this obsession, my natural curiosity and my vigorous impulse to play. I do art because I enjoy it, it’s my playground. Two contemporary artists I’m a big fan of are Andy Goldworthy and Banksy. I’ve also been inspired by the techniques of Summinigashi and Kintsukuroi for this project. I want my art to be ephemeral and interactive. I imagine it can make others think of themes like transience/ephemerality, flow, adaptability, connectedness. I like to work on experimental mediums, for instance with developing photography materials and also with found objects. This time the materials are the acrylics from nail polish, the medium in which it develops is the water and the conservation on glass. “Flowing color in water”, this exhibit, will include an original story video called Advection and some pieces on glass and on canvas for purchase. They have an interactive side to them if you choose to, at your own risk, have fun with it.