Rain Chavez

Photography – Austin

Rain Chavez was born Robert Jaquez Chavez in Pecos, Texas. At age 15 he ran away from the low rider and menudo utopia of Pecos and headed to Austin, Texas. Rain came from an artistic, pachuco tribe where only the most creative members were able to wear fedora hats. He attended film school at the University of Texas in Austin and developed his acting and film making skills by creating micro short films on YouTube. After graduating from UT, Chavez co-founded Visual Vagos Films with this film partner in crime Mike Scannell where they currently write stuff. Family plays a big part in his stories especially conflicts with in families. My mother was 1 out of 11 brothers and sisters and that meant I was one of hundred or so grandkids. “Little did they know I have always been taking notes.” Rain Chavez is still scared of \"La LLorona\' and \"El Cucuy\" because that was pretty much the bed time stories he was told if he didn\'t go to sleep.