Taylor Thoenes

Photography – Tucson

Despite the fact that photography is how I most often choose to create art, I often find myself resisting the label of photographer. I find that all that name calling limits how I see the world to a little box with a lens. There\'s so much more. That being said, I\'m a photographer!.. and a painter, musician, sculptor, yadda yadda. The first camera I was ever given was an old Vietnam era Canon. My grandfather, who gave it to me, bought it while he was overseas at war. I received it when I was 14 and I still shoot this old thing. I love it like an old friend and will forever be thankful to him for the gift. I progressed to digital when the time came, and shot exclusively Canon EOS cameras for many years. Recently, I started to shoot in film again, and have rediscovered some of the lost joy that made me fall in love with photography in the first place. I now use both film and digital (aka up to 10 types of cameras at any one point) and am quite happy to say so. I\'m a Tucson native, I find immense joy in life, and according to the Myers- Briggs, I am an ENFP. Oh and the lady at the metaphysics shop says I\'m a crystal child. Whatever that means. :)