Feb 27 @ 7PM EST
All attendees must be 19+ @ Overflow Brewing Co.
The ECHO showcase is a celebration of local creativity. Enjoy live music, performances, a fashion show, hair and makeup demos, and explore unique art and handmade treasures. Every ticket purchased directly supports an artist
Your ticket order makes our events possible, and gives each of our artists the opportunity to showcase their work to the community. If there is an artist you are specifically attending the showcase to see, select him/her from the list below to credit that artist.
Music - Toronto
Craft - Ottawa
Performing Art - Ottawa
Performing Art - Toronto
Music - Ottawa
Visual Art - Montréal
Music - Toronto
Accessories - Montréal
Visual Art - Montréal
Visual Art - Toronto
Photography - Ottawa
Visual Art - Ottawa
Visual Art - Ottawa
Accessories - Ottawa
Photography - Ottawa
Visual Art - Ottawa
Photography - Ottawa
Photography - Ottawa
Photography - Ottawa
Visual Art - Ottawa
Visual Art - Montréal
Photography - Ottawa
Visual Art - Ottawa
Visual Art - Toronto
Visual Art - Ottawa