Turquoise Man Shawn Nelson
Visual Art – Los Angeles
Ya Ta Hey, My name is Shawn Nelson Turquoise Man, It is an Honor to introduce my self on this web page. I have completed my AA degree, want to complete my B F A degree soon. I have been painting for 40 years plus and now been recognize for my Native Last Supper with natural sand. I was commission to sand paint for a church near Santa Fe, New Mexico. 12 miles North of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Church call Chimayo, N. M. Now I want to help the veteran\'s with my next art piece of Iwo Jima also using the sand from IWO JIMA. It is an Honor to help the veteran\'s and my next art piece will help the animals that we are losing today. We need to help our animals who can\'t speak for themselves. I will be using natural sand pigment\'s from different states. The size will be 16\' feet by 24\' feet. It will be done 3 to 4 years. I had been sharing my concept at the L A county fair this year of 2012 and 2013. Please look at my web page is Fmearthartists.com
It has been a very exciting year for my art. Walk in Beauty T.Man