The Wicked Viking

Visual Art – Raleigh

I am a born-and-raised NC artist. Like a witch, I've been hiding in the shadows the past few years, creating new concoctions and perfecting my craft. While I was in hiatus, I discovered my blood line dates back to early Scandinavia, which makes up half of my heritage. So, like a Viking, I decided to stand up for myself, becoming a stronger, smarter artist than I ever have before. Hence the name, Wicked Viking. My art is a mix of portraits, story art, and tattoo art, in which most are on a fan art-based medium. All of my works of these characters is to bring out their evilish sides, to show that our heroes aren't always what they seem. As for my villians, granted, they are baddies, they need to be appreciated, too, because where would our heroes be without them? My main goal in life is to be a well-known tattoo artist. I have a long way to go in order to become one, but witches and vikings alike have never backed down from a challenge. My art represents all the challenges I have faced, and is inspired by the distractions that pointed me to that path, ablaze with bright colors and dark feelings that make me the wicked person I am.