Jay Baldwin


Jay Baldwin grew up a weird boy...but who ever said weird was bad? He always knew he wanted to create and put smiles on every persons face he interacted with. He wanted to try anything, and o yes, i DO mean everything! Diving head first into fashion designing, modeling, dancing, photography, and visual arts, how did he not get tired? He graduated from the amazing University of Maryland: Eastern Shore with a degree in Graphic illustration, but his true passion was spray painting! He loved how fluid it was to use the medium and the expression each paint stroke felt. The bright and vibrant colors puts him in the trace every-time he uses it, but who could blame him! He wants to create from the soul; Connect and embrace any and every soul he comes across, which brings us here...

Holaaa friends! My name is Jay and i'm SUPER excited for this next journey in our lives! I look forward to working with the community and creating life long memories for all of us to share. I want to create diverse events and bring back that artist community engagement Baltimore has forgotten about. It's time for a new era, who's ready to jump in with me!

My Inspirational Artists: Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring, Jaik Olson (Puppyteeth), and Andy Warhol.